Pet Grooming Blog

Blog posts with Pet Grooming Tips and Shortcuts. Your dog will loved being groomed at home by their favorite person....You!

Be Careful Not to Cut the Quick!

Don't Cut the Nail Too Short!

When trimming dog nails, I am very careful not to cut into the Quick

You may ask..."What is the Quick?"

The Quick is the inner portion of the dog's nail that consists of the blood vessels and nerve endings. Therefore if the nail is trimmed too short, and the Quick is cut, there will be two reactions.

  • First the nail will bleed
  • Secondly the dog will exerience pain and may react accordingly. 

It is best to take your time and trim a little off at a time. If needed get a friend to help hold the dog when trimming their nails. If the dog is struggling it is easy to accidentally trim too short. 

Before trimming the nails it is recommended to have a blood clotting agent on hand, just in case the Quick is cut.